In Trump We Trust?!?

There is a strange phenomenon occurring among Christians. Although the election is over, it seems like it’s been turned into a “spiritual war,” as if Christians know, with 100% certainty, that God’s will is for Trump to remain in the oval office. Countless conspires are flying around the evangelical social media world and the democratic party has been deemed as “pure evil.” Christians have blurred the lines and made politics into a religious battle. In the midst of this righteous war, a sly and subtle idolatry has risen.

As I see it, politics are corrupt - period. The republican party is corrupt, the democratic party is corrupt - all of it is corrupt. There is no “righteous” side in this conversation because, in my opinion, the position of believers isn’t to demonize those they disagree with, and attempt to conquer with sword and club (somehow that’s in the fabric of church history), but to instead humbly and prayerfully support the elected president (regardless of who it is).

The irony, in all this recent chaos, is that somehow Trump has become the new messiah, the savior that needs to be defended. Somehow God’s will was “missed” on election day and now Christians everywhere need to fight till death, to make sure the “chosen one” remains in his position. Among the frantic attempts to get Trump to stay, an underlying idolatry has crept in. I am baffled at how outright disturbing the images hat I see on social media of Trump supports rebuking onlookers in “Jesus’ name” and continue to propagate a slanted political agenda mixed with “God’s mission.” This is honestly dangerous and disrespectful to those who walk with Christ.

Let me say at this point that I am very bipartisan and don’t hold tightly to either party. I’m not a Trump-hater, nor am I Trump-supporter. I am not “Biden or bust” or Biden is the antiChrist. I’m simply an average American, who strives to walk in the teachings of Jesus and humbly pray for whomever occupies the presidency.

In my opinion, we who claim to bear Jesus’ name need to humble ourselves and pray. It’s that simple. There’s nothing complex or mysterious about what God’s will is for us. From how I see it, Biden won the election. Because he won, we now position ourselves in prayerful support for him and all those he brings into the government. Even if you think Biden is “evil,” what happened to “pray for your enemies, do good to those who curse you…”? I’m honestly baffled by the arrogant and extreme stance so many believers have taken in this issue. Truthfully, the way many Christians have responded to the defeat of their “messiah” makes them look like they have more of a mental health issue than the Spirit of Christ.

Bottom line. Stop freaking out. Stop yelling at people. We need to close our mouths, receive the new president and pray for his best interest. To me, that places more trust in God than in Trump.